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Immune Therapeutics, Inc. (IMUN)

Immune Therapeutics, Inc. (IMUN)

Immune Therapeutics, Inc. (IMUN) is a biotechnology company applying its patented immunotherapy to combat chronic, life-threatening diseases that affect persons around the world. Building on the power of the body's natural immune system, the company's pipeline of products and immunotherapy technologies are designed to enhance treatment of cancer, infections such as HIV/AIDS, chronic inflammatory diseases, and a variety of autoimmune diseases.

Immune Therapeutics' most advanced clinical programs involve immunotherapy with met-enkephalin (MENK) (sometimes referred to as opioid growth factor) and its low dose naltrexone product (LDN), internationally known as Lodonalâ„¢, both of which have been shown to stimulate immune systems even in patients with advanced cancer.

Additionally, Immune Therapeutics is pursuing additional investigations for MENK and LDN as viable treatments for autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis; as an adjunct in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatments or surgery; and as a complement to antibiotics in the treatment of a variety of infectious diseases, including patients with HIV/AIDS, in combination with retroviral drug therapy.

Immune Therapeutics and partners AHAR Pharma and GB Pharma Holdings recently completed a bridging trial to determine the safety and efficacy of LDN in patients with HIV, and have submitted data in connection with the filing of its New Drug Application for LDN with The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, (NAFDAC) of Nigeria.

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